March 13th 2025Step 1: Select the right grade of HPMC for your formulation.
The market is flooded with different types, and they all have different characteristics. The viscosity (measured in cps), particle size, and whether or not a preservative is required will determine what HPMC you should choose. It is important to use surface-treated HPMC when making detergents. It’s time to begin dissolving HPMC into the water once you’ve selected the right grade.
Step 2: Measure out the Right Amount of HPMC.
Before attempting to dissolve any HPMC powder, you must first measure out the right amount. The amount of powder needed will vary depending on your specific application, so be sure to consult with experts or read up on best practices before proceeding. Generally speaking, you should start off by using around 0.5% of your total solution weight as the amount of HPMC powder needed. Once you have determined how much powder you need, add it directly into your solution and stir gently until it is completely dissolved.
Measure out the Right Amount of HPMC.
Once you’ve added the correct amount of water and stirred it until any lumps have dissolved, you can begin adding your HPMC powder little by little while stirring continuously with a whisk or stirrer. As you add more powder, the mixture will become thicker and more difficult to stir; if this happens, just keep stirring until all the lumps have been broken down and dissolved into the liquid evenly. Once all the powder has been added and stirred thoroughly, your solution is ready!
Step 3: Monitor Temperature and Viscosity
Once you have added the HPMC powder into your solution and stirred gently until completely dissolved, begin monitoring both temperature and viscosity over time. Doing this will help ensure that all of your ingredients are properly combined and that none are settling at the bottom or sticking together at the top of your solution. If any problems arise during this process, simply adjust the temperature slightly or add more powder until everything is evenly distributed throughout the solution.
After monitoring temperature and viscosity over time, let your solution set for at least 24 hours before moving onto any other steps related to making detergent. This allows all ingredients to properly settle into place before further processing begins. At this point, you can also take additional steps such as adding fragrances or coloring agents if desired.